Monday, October 4, 2010

Questions Chapter 3

  1. When & where was the Second Caliph (RA) born?
  2. What does 'Al-Musleh Mauood' mean?
  3. What was the name of his mother?
  4. Who was the first missionary sent to USA? When did he arrive?
  5. How is Sadr Anjuman organized?
  6. What is the height of Minaret al-Masih? which mosque is it located in?
  7. What is the purpose of Majlise Mashawarat?
  8. What is the purpose of Dar al-Qadha?
  9. What is the name of lecture Hudhoor delivered in London in 1924.
  10. What was the purpose of Kashmir Committee?
  11. Why did we emigrate from Qadian?
  12. What is the name of town founded by Hudhoor in 1948?
  13. Where is Hadhrat Amma Jan buried?
  14. When was Khilafat Jubilee celebrated? Where?
  15. What is Liwai Ahmadiyyat? What is its length?
  16. How many people took part in the Jalsa Salana of 1946?
  17. What is the title of Hudhoor's Urdu translation of the Holy Quran?
  18. What is the purpose of Waqfe Jadid?
  19. When did Prophet Muhammad (SAS) immigrate to Medina?
  20. When did the Second Caliph pass away? Where is he buried?
  21. Can you name two books of the Second Caliph?
  22. Give name of one of his brother?
  23. What is Tafseere Kabir?
  24. What is the name of calendar devised by the Second Caliph?
  25. How many times did Hudhoor travel to Europe?

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