Sunday, October 3, 2010

His Upbringing

Although he was the center of his father's world, his father was always conscious of his moral upbringing. In his youth once he shot a parrot and brought it home. Upon learning of this the Promised Messiah (AS) said to him, “Mahmud, although the meat from this bird is not forbidden in Islam, but Allah has not created every bird for the purpose of eating. Some birds are very attractive, they have been created so humans can enjoy their beauty while others are gifted to delight us with their song”. The moral of this story is that even though some birds or animals have not been expressly declared haram (forbidden), the Prophet of Islam (SAS) disliked eating their meat.

Once he was having a discussion with his younger brother Mirza Bashir Ahmad. The topic of discussion was what was more valuable - wealth, or knowledge? The Promised Messiah (AS) was sitting close by listening to their discussion, startled by their views, he at once admonished them:

“My dear children neither wealth nor knowledge is valuable, what is most valuable is the bountiful mercy and grace of God Almighty. Without God's mercy both can be harmful”.
During the lifetime of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS), his burning desire was to serve the cause of Islam to the best of his ability. At seventeen he became member of the Sadr Anjuman. He founded an association “Tasheez al-Azhan” in March 1906 and later published a quarterly magazine by the same name. Thus he gained written as well as verbal skills which proved profoundly useful for the Jamaat. Hadhrat Maulana Noor al-Din, Khalifat al-Masih the First, took him under his tutelage at a very young age. Thus he studied the Holy Quran, books of Hadith and Masnavi Maulavi Roomee from Hadhrat Maulana. He benefited tremendously from his pious companionship. At the Jalsa Salana this year he delivered his maiden speech.

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