Tuesday, September 28, 2010


  1. 1841 at Bhera, Punjab, Pakistan
  2. Because he had performed pilgrimage and had memorized the Holy Quran.
  3. He was a physician
  4. Maharajah of Kashmir
  5. 1893
  6. Phonograph
  7. Amatul Hayee
  8. Yes, Urdu
  9. Opening of first Ahmadiyya mission in England
  10. Tasdeeq Baraheen Ahmadiyya, & Fasl al-Khitab
  11. Mirqat al-Yaqeen
  12. 1914. Qadian
  13. A Christian once said that Asian mind cannot comprehend the concept of Trinity. Hadhrat Maulana said that is why Paul, Peter and Jesus could not figure this out either, as they were also Asians.
  14. That Muslims in India be given two hour leave for Friday service
  15. English.

Questions Chapter 2

  1. When and where was the First Caliph born?
  2. Why do we write Haji and Hafiz with his name?
  3. What was his profession before he moved to Qadian?
  4. Whose royal physician was he?
  5. What year did he move to Qadian?
  6. His voice was recorded on what machine?
  7. Give the name of his daughter who was married to the Second Caliph.
  8. Did he translate the Quran into any language? What language?
  9. Describe one important event of his Caliphate?
  10. Give names of two of his books?
  11. What is the name of his biography?
  12. When did he pass away, which city was he buried in?
  13. Give one interesting anecdote of his life?
  14. What was the purpose of the memorial he wrote to the King?
  15. What other language was the Holy Quran translated into during his Caliphate?

Few Anecdotes

Once a Christian said that the Asian mind was incapable of understanding the mystery of Trinity. Hadhrat Maulana replied, indeed. That is why Jesus, Peter, and Paul, all three Asians did not figure this out either.
A philosopher once asked him, what is wisdom? Hadhrat Maulana replied, wisdom is to avoid every type of vice, from associating partners with Allah down to the least impolite behavior.

Someone inquired from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (d1898), a social reformer and famous educator of India: When an illiterate person studies he becomes an educated person, the educated person studies further and becomes a Hakim (philosopher), the Hakim progresses in his knowledge and reaches the status of a Soofi (mystic). What becomes of the Soofi when he attains the highest stage of knowledge? Sir Syed wrote back: "He is transformed into Noor al-Din (light of faith)".

To sum up his life, he made crystal clear the role and significance of exalted office of the Caliphate. Owing to his towering personality, a good majority of the members has steadfastly remained loyal to the institution of the Ahmadiyya Caliphate. alhamdo li-Allah

Such was Noor al-Din, a shining light of faith.

An Interesting Incident

Once Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was in Dehli and sent a message to Hadhrat Maulana in Qadian to get there right away. Hadhrat Maulana was attending to patients in his medical clinic, as soon as he got the message he departed for Dehli. He did not pack any luggage, nor made any arrangements for travel expense. Someone pointed out to him that the Promised Messiah (AS) did not mean to inconvenience you that you decided to go on such a long journey without prior preparation. Hadhrat Maulana replied that since Hudhoor (AS) had ordered him to get there immediately, he regarded staying behind even one second an act of insubordination.

When he arrived at the Batala train station, a wealthy man whose wife was not well sought his professional advice. Hadhrat Maulana examined his wife and wrote out a prescription for her. In return the person purchased him the train ticket to Dehli as well as gave him a handsome amount as his fee. From this incident one can gauge his rock-solid faith in Allah and unremitting submission to Hudhoor (AS). By virtue of his numerous shining qualities Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) paid him glowing tribute in the following Persian verse:

cheh khush booday agar har zaummat noore din booday
hamein booday agar har dil pur az noore yaqeene booday

How fortunate it would be if every member of the Community would become Noor al-Din.
This could, however, only happen if every heart were filled with the light of faith.

The high status of Hadhrat Maulana can further be estimated by the fact that due to his penetrating insight he had declared that Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (RA), was indeed the Promised Son destined to serve the cause of Islam. He reiterated this during the last days of his Caliphate. No wonder he appointed Sahibzada sahib to lead the Prayer service in the mosque, as well as deliver sermons during his sickness. Subsequently he appointed him President of the Sadr Anjuman.

His Status

Hadhrat Maulana Hafiz Haji Hakim Noor al-Din, Khalifat al-Masih the First (RA) was truly a revered saint, a great mystic, a distinguished divine, and an expert physician. God Almighty blessed him to be the first person to enter into the covenant of allegiance. All his life he remained vigorously steadfast in support of the Promised Messiah, peace be on him.

Besides his intense love for Allah and His Apostle, his love for the Holy Quran was also all consuming. In sickness or in health, recitation, and instruction of the Holy Quran was his soul's refreshment. In 1901 he made a translation of the Holy Quran into Urdu. The first chapter was published in 1907. He often said that if God were to ask him, what was it he loved the most, he would ask to be given the Quran.

As a physician not only that he had recourse to Yunani and Ayurvedic systems of medicine, he also employed Aloepathic medicine in the treatment of disease. He reinforced his prescriptions with prayers. He based his treatment of some diseases on the guidance contained in the Holy Quran. He was conferred the honorary titles of ‘Raees al-Ittiba’ and ‘Hakeem al-Ummat’ by his contemporary physicians.

He earned large sums of money from his medical practice, all of which was spent on good causes such as welfare of the orphans, widows, students, & the needy, as well as in the printing and free distribution of books. He also contributed generously towards the Muslim education and the establishment of Aligarh Muslim University. Yet all his life he never demanded fee from his patients.

His piety, sincerity and devotion to his holy master were unmatched. That is why the Promised Messiah (AS) conferred the title of Siddiq (truly faithful) on him. He obeyed wholeheartedly every directive of the Promised Messiah (AS). Whenever he got a call from Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) he would rush to see him at a moment’s notice, so much so that he would forget to put his turban or shoes on.

Long before anyone else could discern his outstanding qualities, Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) summed up his character in the following terms.

“My heart was filled with such delight as was experienced by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, on meeting Hadhrat Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. When he came to me, and I looked at him, I perceived that he was a sign of the signs of my Lord, and I realized that he was the outcome of my constant supplications, and my intuition informed me that he was one of the chosen servants of Allah.

I observe that wisdom flows from his lips, and heavenly light descends upon him. When he addresses himself to the exposition of the Book of Allah, he reveals the sources of mysteries, and causes the subtleties to gush forth, and uncovers wonderful treasures of wisdom that had hitherto been covered up…. He is in such complete accord with me as the pulse is in accord with the breath.” (Nooruddeen by M. Z. Khan, page 67)

His Books

Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih wrote several scholarly works based on extensive research and deep study. His books include:
  • Fasal al-Khitab le-Muqaddima ahlel al-Kitab 1888
  • Tasdeeq Baraheen Ahmadiyya 1890,
  • Radday Tanasikh 1891,
  • Fasal al-Khitab 1899,
  • Noor al-Din 1904,
  • Abtal Uloo-Hiyyat Masih 1904,
  • Risala Deenyat 1906,
  • Mubadee al-Saraf wal-Nahav 1907,
  • Mirqat al-Yaqeen 1912 (his autobiography),
  • Khutabate Noor 1912,
  • Bayaz Noor al-Din (pharmacopeia of Noor al-Din)
  • Haqaiq al-Quran – exposition of the Holy Quran

His demise

Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First passed away on Friday March 13th, 1914, at 2:15 pm at Qadian. May his soul rest in peace.

Inna lillahe wa inna ilehay rajeoon
We are from Allah, and indeed to Him we return.

Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad led the funeral prayer right after his election as the Second Caliph. He remained Caliph for a period of six years. He discharged the onerous responsibilities of the office diligently.

Hadhrat Maulana was a true devotee of Islam, the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAS), and Imam of the latter days the Promised Messiah (AS). He was a personification of many treasured qualities, above all a Siddiq (the most truthful and devoted). He served Islam to the last breath of his life. He was laid to rest in the Bahishti Maqbara on March 14 at 6:15pm, next to the tomb of his holy master & benefactor, the Promised Messiah (AS).

Significant Event

One of the most significant events of his Caliphate was the internal dissension, which Hudhoor dealt with head on. Some high ranking office bearers of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya as well as some other members tried to vest all powers to Sadr Anjuman instead of the blessed institution of Caliphate. They plotted to place the power of decision making in the hands of Sadr Anjuman, as a consequence there will be no one to question their authority.

For this purpose they came up with the argument that in his treatise al-Wasiyyat, Promised Messiah (AS) has appointed Sadr Anjuman as his sole successor and not the Caliph. But God Almighty failed them in their evil designs by their own doing. At the time of the election of the First Caliph, they had signed a declaration stating unequivocally that according to the wishes of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) outlined in al-Wasiyyat, they had chosen Hadhrat Maulana Noor al-Din as his Caliph. That they would obey Hadhrat Maulana in the same manner as they had obeyed the Promised Messiah (AS).

When they realized that they would not succeed in their plans, they gave the spin that Promised Messiah (AS) was not a prophet. They alleged that as the Caliphate is established only after the demise of a prophet, and since Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was not a prophet, consequently there was no need for the institution of Caliphate. This plan did not work either because they had previously signed a declaration stating that Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was surely a prophet and Hadhrat Maulvi Noor al-Din (RA) was his first Caliph.

Realizing that their plans were bearing no fruit, they hatched a plan to curtail the authority of the Caliph. They proposed that the functions of the Caliph should only be to take pledges of allegiance, lead the Prayer services (Salat), perform marriages and deliver sermons. The rest of the powers should be vested in the Sadr Anjuman. This plan fizzled out because Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First (RA) had categorically stated in his speeches and sermons that:

“Allah appoints the Caliph, the person elected Caliph after me will be appointed by Allah also. Whosoever takes pledge of allegiance at his hand, is obliged to follow all his directives to the fullest measure”.
Anyhow the importance of Caliphate became crystal clear to members of the Community and they were safeguarded against the evil designs of its opponents. Only a handful of people supported these dissidents. Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First showed them the carrot and the stick, even invited them to renew their covenant of allegiance.

As Hudhoor had a commanding personality they renewed the pledge of allegiance reluctantly. However they continued to plot against him to the last breath of his life. Then the dissident group openly renounced the institution of Caliphate and immigrated to Lahore. Under the leadership of Maulvi Muhammad Ali they set up their separate association, Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaate Islam.

Milestones of his Caliphate

  1. During the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (AS), a separate department had been established at Taleem al-Islam School to impart theological education. Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First wanted to give this department a special status and establish it on a permanent basis in memory of its founder Hadhrat Ahmad (AS).

    Consequently the foundation stone for the new building of Madrassa Ahmadiyya was laid on March 1st, 1909. Hadhrat Syed Muhammad Sarwar Shah was appointed its first principal. Under the dynamic leadership of Hadhrat Mirza Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifat al-Masih II, the seminary progressed particularly. The Madrassa is still operating in Qadian, a total of 205 students were enrolled in it last year (2000). The course of study lasts for seven years, in nine years 83 students have graduated from this institution. These graduates are now serving the Community in various parts of India.

  2. No Muslim scholar had so far made satisfactory English translation of the Holy Quran, therefore this work was assigned to the Secretary, Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, Maulvi Muhammad Ali. Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First, while reviewing the translation and the commentary, suggested necessary corrections. But sadly enough after his demise, and upon election of Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih II as Caliph, Maulavi Muhammad Ali renounced the Ahmadiyya Caliphate and took the manuscript with him to Lahore. Regrettably he made changes to the translated text according to his personal views and beliefs.

    During the Caliphate of Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the Second (RA), a new translation of the Holy Quran was made that was scholarly, authentic, and faithful to the true import of the text.

    The Khalifat al-Masih directed the Community that every year an examination in the certain prescribed books of the Promised Messiah will be held. The First such examination was held on December 24th, 1908. Since then this method of study of the books of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) has continued in our Community.

  3. As the Ahmadi population was growing rapidly, a new neighborhood by the name of Dar al-Uloom was added to Qadian. Many new buildings were erected such as the Noor Mosque (1910), Talim al-Islam High School (1912) with its fabulous hostel, Noor Hospital. The extension to Aqsa Mosque was completed in January 1910.

    The British government announced that a Coronation ceremony would be held in Delhi on December 12, 1911, to proclaim His Majesty George V, Emperor of India. Hadhrat Maulana decided to request the King that Muslim employees of Government may be granted a leave of two hours on Friday so as to enable them to offer the Friday noon service. A memorial was drawn up for this purpose and presented to the King. In consequence of this memorial Muslims employees were granted two-hour leave.

  4. During the caliphate of Hadhrat Khalifa al-Masih I, following newspapers and magazines were introduced:

      Magazines: Ahmadi, Ahmadi Khatoon 1912.
      Newspapers: Noor, Akhbar al-Haq, Payghame Sulah, Al-Fazl.

    Hadhrat Mirza Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad, the Second Caliph, started the publication of a weekly newspaper Al- Fazl on June 18th, 1913. The name was suggested by Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih I.

  5. On November 18th, 1910 Hadhrat Maulana was riding his pony when he fell, he received several minor injuries and a serious gash on his right temple. He was bedridden for nearly six months. This was in fulfillment of a dream Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) had seen in 1905 that he had fallen from a horse. In 1913 he issued instructions that Jalsa Salana be held for three days i.e. December 26, 27, & 28th.

  6. One of the milestones of his Caliphate was the establishment of the first Ahmadiyya Muslim mission in England in 1914. The first Ahmadiyya missionary sent to London for propagation of Islam was Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sial.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

His election as first caliph

His election as first caliph

The Promised Messiah (AS) passed away on May 26th, 1908. When his body was brought to Qadian for burial, all members of the Community elected Hadhrat Maulana as leader of the Community and the first Caliph of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS). Prior to taking the covenant of allegiance from members numbering well over 1200, during the course of an address he said:
"I never wished to be the Imam but if you people insist on taking the pledge on my hand, then listen to me carefully. Baiat is like selling yourself to someone…… you will have to obey all my commands. If this is agreeable, then I shall take up this responsibility reluctantly."

Migration to Qadian (first Khalifa)

Migration to Qadian

His employment with the state of Jammu and Kashmir ended in 1892 after fifteen years. The reason for termination of this employment was his devotion to Islam. After the death of Maharajah Ranbir Singh, his successor Maharajah Partap Singh and some of his courtiers carried a grudge against him. He was dismissed from his court appointment, so he returned to his ancestral home in Bhera. Here he decided to open an extensive hospital and even started the construction of a massive structure.

In 1893 while the hospital building was under construction he went to Lahore to procure building materials. There he thought of visiting Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) in Qadian. One day the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, said to him “Now you are not tied down because of your employment, why don't you stay a bit longer in Qadian?” Hadhrat Maulana agreed to stay for another few days. After a week Promised Messiah (AS) said to him “You are alone why don't you bring your wife over.” Accordingly his wife arrived in Qadian. Then one day Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) said to him “ you are fond of books, why don't you bring your library over?” The books were brought over. Sometime later Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) said to him “you should forget about returning to your hometown”. Hadhrat Maulana used to says:

"Thereafter I forgot my hometown in such a manner that I never even dreamt of it. "
After his immigration to Qadian, he was advised to start a medical clinic either in Lahore or in Amritsar but he chose to stay near his holy master. He busied himself in the service of Islam day and night. He was ever ready to fulfill every wish of his dearly loved master whom he held in highest esteem.

At that time his daily routine included giving commentary on the Noble Quran and the Hadith, attending to patients, giving lessons in theology & medicine to his pupils, leading the Prayer services (Salat), proof reading books of the Promised Messiah (AS) or look-up references. In 1896 he was asked to preside over the second day sitting of the historic Conference of Great Religions that took place in Lahore from December 26th to 29th.

When Taleem al-Islam School started functioning in 1898 he taught Arabic there. Upon establishment of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) appointed him its president. He was always conscious of helping the poor and the needy.

A brief commentary by him on chapter 103 (Sura al-Asar) of the Holy Quran was recorded on a phonograph in 1902 as directed by the Promised Messiah (AS).

In short his life, time, property, and energies were wholly dedicated in the service of Islam. From dawn to dusk he would work for the good of Islam. Initially he was staying in one of Hadhrat Ahmad's residences, but later on moved into a clay house that was built in the same neighborhood. The money he earned by treating patients was largely donated to the Jamaat or used for looking after the orphans, the destitute, and the poor. An old age home Dar al-Shai-yookh and an orphanage Dar al-Yotama were established in Qadian under his directive.

He was so generous that a number of students received expenses for education from him. Also he paid expenses for many people who went for pilgrimage.

An Ideal Believer

An Ideal Believer

He was endowed with photographic memory. For example he memorized fourteen chapters of the Holy Quran while travelling on an elephant for thirty days as member of the ruler's entourage. The rest of the Quran he committed to memory subsequently.

He developed the love of books from his early childhood and soon had a fairly large private collection. Once he was lent a book Tabaqat al-Anwar spread over 700 pages for only six hours. He read the entire book within the stipulated time period.

On one occasion he sent one of his disciple to Bhopal to make a copy of a book consisting of six volumes. Later the same disciple was sent to Egypt to make a copy of a book consisting of 800 pages. His interest in books was not limited to religion only, he had in fact read all the works of Shakespeare in Arabic.

In 1885 he read an announcement written by Hadhrat Ahmad, the Promised Messiah & Mahdi (AS). This had such a profound effect on him that he felt a strong urge to see Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) in person. At first glance he was convinced of his truthfulness and ready to lay down his life for him. From that day on he became one of his most committed and ardent followers. When the first pledge of allegiance was taken at Ludhiana on March 23rd, 1889, he holds the distinction to be the first one to do so. In 1890 when Hadhrat Ahmad (AS), under Divine inspiration, declared himself to be the Promised Messiah, he accepted his claim without the least hesitation.

Caliphate of Hadhrat Maulvi Noor al-Din

Caliphate of Hadhrat Maulvi Noor al-Din

Hadhrat Maulvi Haji Hakim Noor al-Din was the first person who took the pledge of allegiance at the hand of the Promised Messiah (AS). Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) called him the most beloved, the most sincere, and the most truthful friend. Calling his sacrifices worthy of praise, Promised Messiah (AS) stated that he stood above all of his followers because of his sincerity, love, and total dedication.

Hadhrat Maulana’s hometown was Bhera, in district Sargodha, Pakistan, where he was born around 1841. His father's name was Hadhrat Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Qureshi and Noor Bakhat was his mother's name. He was a direct descendant of Hadhrat Umar bin al-Khattab (RA), the second Caliph of Islam.

His forefathers migrated from Medina and settled in Afghanistan. From his mothers side he was a descendant of Hazrat Ali (RA), the fourth Caliph of Islam. He belonged to a scholarly and pious family that was immersed in the study of the Holy Quran. There had been Hafize Quran in his family for the last eleven generations. He learnt the Holy Quran from his mother. In sports he loved swimming and horseback riding.

In 1858 he traveled to Rawalpindi to study for the diploma of education at Normal School. He passed his diploma examination with such distinction that he was appointed principal of a school at the age of twenty-one. He resigned from this job after four years in order to seek more knowledge.

His thirst for knowledge was unquenchable so that he traveled to various cities like Lahore, Rampur, Dehli, Lucknow, and Bhopal for the purpose of obtaining religious instruction. In those days his trust in Allah the Exalted was such that he never cared for his financial or accommodation needs. God Almighty fulfilled all his needs miraculously. He received his religious as well medical instruction in these cities from first-rate physicians & scholars.

While in Bhopal he earned a lot of money from his medical practice, which enabled to him travel to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

Question and Answers about Ahmadiyyat

Questions Chapter 1

  1. When and where was the Promised Messiah (AS) born?
  2. What year did he receive the first revelation?
  3. What revelation he received on his father's death?
  4. What does 'Brahanee Ahmadiyya' means? When was the last volume published?
  5. Can you write the name of Hazrat Ahmad's first son?
  6. What is the meaning of Mujaddid?
  7. How many conditions are in the Baiat?
  8. Can you give one condition of Baiat?
  9. What year was the Ahmadiyya Jamaat founded?
  10. Who took the first oath of allegiance, in what city?
  11. What is the meaning of 'Musleh Mauood'?
  12. What is Jange Muqaddas?
  13. When and where did the first Jalsa Salana take place?
  14. Which language is the mother of all languages?
  15. What is the sign of eclipses?
  16. Who is Baba Nanak? What was his religion?
  17. What year did the first US Muslim accept Islam? What was his full name?
  18. What is the name of magistrate who acquitted Hazrat Ahmad in a murder case?
  19. Who was Lekh Ram? When did he die?
  20. What is the name of the school established in 1898 in Qadian?
  21. Name two signs that God showed in support of the Promised Messiah.
  22. What is the height of Minaret al-Masih? In which mosque is it located in Qadian?
  23. What is Bahishti Maqbara? Who can be buried in this graveyard?
  24. What city did Promised Messiah (AS) passe away? What year?
  25. What is the name of last book written by Hazrat Ahmad (AS)?


  1. February 13th, 1835 in Qadian
  2. 1869
  3. Alaisa Allah be Kafen Abduhu
  4. Proofs of Ahmadiyya - 1905
  5. Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Ahmad
  6. Reformer
  7. ten
  8. he will offer Salat five times a day
  9. 1889
  10. Hadhrat Maulana Noor al-Din at Hoshiarpur
  11. Promised Reformer
  12. It is a debate that took place between Christians and Hadhrat Ahmad (AS). Also the name of a book.
  13. 1891 at Qadian
  14. Arabic
  15. It is a heavenly sign shown by God. Moon was eclipsed, Sun was eclipsed, both in the month of Ramadhan.
  16. Baba Nanak was religious leader. He was a Muslim.
  17. 1887, Muhammad Alexandar Russell Webb.
  18. Captain M. W. Douglas
  19. Lekh Ram was an opponent of Hadhrat Ahmad. he died in 1897
  20. Taleem al-Islam School
  21. Sign of the eclipses, and the appearance of Plague in the Punjab
  22. 105 feet, in Aqsa Mosque
  23. This is a special graveyard. A Moosie can only be buried there.
  24. Lahore, May 26th, 1908
  25. Paighame Sulh (A message of Reconciliation)

His Books

His Books

The Promised Messiah (AS) penned 81 books in lucid and logical exposition of the sublime teachings of Islam. Some of his noteworthy works are:
  • Braheene Ahmadiyya (Proofs of Amadiyya) - 1880
  • Fathey Islam (Victory of Islam) - 1891
  • Aeena Kamalate Islam (Mirror of Excellences of Islam) - 1893
  • Barkat al-Dua (The Blessings of Prayer) - 1893
  • Anjame Atham (The End of Atham) - 1896
  • Islamee Usook kee Philosophy (Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam) - 1896
  • Maseeh Hindostan Mein (Jesus in India) - 1896
  • Zaroorat al-Imam (The Need for an Imam) - 1897
  • Tohfae Qaisiriyyah (A Gift to the Queen) - 1897
  • Siraje Muneer (The Bright Lamp) - 1897
  • Tiryaq al-Qoloob (The Elixir of the Heart) - 1899
  • Kashtee Nooh (The Ark of Noah) - 1902
  • Tazkirat as-Shahadatayn (Narration of two Martyrdom) - 1903
  • Payghame Sulh (Message of Reconciliation) - 1908

Saturday, September 25, 2010

His Companions

His Companions

Given below are the names of ten distinguished companions of the Promised Messiah (AS) who bore a special love in their hearts for their holy master. They served the cause of Islam with devotion.
  1. Hadhrat Maulvi Noor al-Din , Khalift al-Masih I
  2. Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Siyalkoti
  3. Hadhrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan, ( Raees Malirkotla, son in law of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS)
  4. Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, editor Badr
  5. Hadhrat Shaikh Yaqoob Ali Irfani, editor al-Hakam
  6. Hadhrat Maulvi Burhan al-Din Jehlumi
  7. Hadhrat Munshi Zafar Ahmad Kapurthalvi
  8. Hadhrat Maulvi Abdullah Sinori
  9. Hadhrat Pir Siraj al-Haq Noamani
  10. Hadhrat Mir Nasir Nawab ( father in law of Hadhrat Ahmad)

His blessed appearance

His blessed appearance

Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was an embodiment of every conceivable manly beauty and charm. He was well built, of medium height (5’-8”) with broad shoulders and chest. He had a fair tanned complexion. His serene countenance always exuded a kind of spiritual halo.

He had fine, straight, lustrous black hair. He had a charming full thick beard. His eyes were smoke-black always half closed. He had a straight, upright, fairly broad forehead that bore the mark of high intellect. His temperament cool but heart-warming. He had a beaming smile and talked softly.

He preferred to dress in simple clothes that consisted of a tunic, trousers, a waistcoat, an overcoat, and a turban. He wore locally made Indian shoes. He always carried a walking stick when heading out. His food was simple, ate little and without haste.

Following are some of the notable traits of his personality.

(1) Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) believed wholeheartedly and with total conviction in the existence of God. He had an unwavering faith in the truthfulness of his claim. His undying love for the Prophet of Islam (SAS) was unprecedented.

(2) Hudhoor (AS) always occupied himself in supplications, he repeatedly recited 'Subhan Allah' even when he was occupied in routine tasks. His entire life was absorbed in the worship of God Almighty.

(3) Consciousness of God, righteousness, & truthfulness were the hallmark of his character. He always made sure to adhere to all the injunctions of the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS).

(4) He led a life of utmost simplicity and austerity.

(5) He faced most troublesome situations with fortitude, resoluteness, and remarkable courage.

(6) He worked hard and busied himself with the work entrusted to him by God Almighty.

(7) He treated his wife, kids, friends, and even his adversaries with love, courtesy, and sympathy. He was conscious of their feelings but was equally concerned about their spiritual upbringing, and conduct.

(8) Hospitality was also one of his special traits. He went to great lengths to ensure the comfort of his guests.

Hadhrat Dr. Mir Muhammad Ismail (RA) has broadly sketched the character of Promised Messiah (AS) in the following words:
"Promised Messiah, peace be on him, possessed impeccable morals. He was full of kindness, beneficent, generous, and hospitable. In a crisis when most people would feel jittery, he would march forward like a roaring lion. Forgiveness, overlooking others weaknesses, generosity, uprightness, humility, steadfastness, gratitude, contentment, modesty, industrious, contended, faithful, frank, simple, respect for God and His Messenger and religious divines. Tenderhearted, moderate, just, trustworthy, alert, sympathetic, dignified, neat, lively, humorous, courageous, resolute and, self- reliant.

Love for God and His Messenger, totally committed to the Apostle of Allah (SAS). These were in essence his morals and habits.

I saw Hudhoor when I was two years old and for the last time when I was twenty-seven. I swear to Allah that I never met a person who was better than him, or more affable, more righteous, and more angelic than him. I never met any person who was more engrossed in the love of God and His Messenger than him. He was a light that shone on mankind."

Election of the Caliph

Election of the Caliph

Hadhrat Ahmad’s sacred remains were taken by rail to Batala. As there was no railroad beyond Batala, the faithful carried the casket on their shoulders to Qadian, a distance of 18km. On May 27th, 1908, before the funeral prayers, Hadhrat Hakim Noor al-Din, may God be pleased with him, was elected unanimously the first Caliph of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

By taking the pledge of allegiance on his hand the Community was once again united firmly, thus fulfilling the glad tiding given by the Promised Messiah (AS) in al-Wasiyyat regarding the establishment of the Caliphate.

There were some that thought this Community would disintegrate after his death. They were proven dead wrong. Although a Caliph is elected by members of the Jamaat, it is our unflinching faith that God Almighty appoints a Caliph by inclining the hearts of the believers towards such a person. This is how Hadhrat Maulvi Noor al-Din (RA), one of the earliest disciple and a trusted companion of the Promised Messiah (AS), was chosen Caliph by God Almighty. It was God Almighty who united the Community on his blessed hand.

After the election, Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the First led the funeral prayers. Throngs of believers who had converged upon Qadian paid their last respects to their holy master. He was laid to rest in Bahishti Maqbara at 6pm on May 27th, 1908. Thus departed an extraordinary human being from the world whose advent did the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAS) foretell, and through whom progress of Islamic faith is destined in this age. He was the greatest champion of Islam in more than a millennium.

His Children

His Children

God Almighty blessed him with ten children from his second marriage, five children however died in their infancy. Following are the other five who lived to ripe old ages by Divine grace.
  1. Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (RA), Khalifatul Masih II Born 12th January 1889, passed away November 8th, 1965
  2. Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (RA), Born April 20th, 1893, passed away 2nd September 1963
  3. Hadhrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad (RA), born 24th May 1895, passed away December 26th, 1961.


  4. Hadhrat Nawab Mubaraka Begum (RA), born 2nd March 1897, passed away 23rd May 1977.
  5. Hadhrat Nawab Amtul Hafeez Begum (RA), born 25th January 1904, passed away on 6th May 1987 in Rabwah.

His Last Journey

His Last Journey

On April 27th, 1908 Hudhoor (AS) traveled with his family to Lahore. He delivered many speeches, met many dignitaries belonging to different faiths. Being a Prince of Peace he composed a treatise "Payghame Sulah" (A Message of Reconciliation) on May 25th outlining his proposals to bring Hindus & Muslims together. He exhorted both communities to sign a peace treaty and start enjoying the fruits of peace.

A banquet was arranged on May 17th for the dignitaries of Lahore and on the insistence of the guests, he spoke for two hours outlining his claims, teachings and refutations of objection raised against him.

All the while he was constantly receiving revelations regarding his imminent demise. On May 20th, he received his last revelation (Arabic):

Ar-Raheelo Suma ar-Raheelo wal-Mauto Qareebun
Time for departure, again time for departure, death is fast approaching.

Hudhoor (AS) fell ill around 11 p.m. on May 25th. Despite the best medical care provided to him, his condition did not stabilize. On May 26th at 10:30am he breathed his last and met his dearly loved Creator.

Inna lillahe wa inna elahe rajeoon
We are from Allah and indeed to Him we return.

The last words on his blessed lips were (Urdu):

Allah, meray piyaray Allah
Lord, my dear Lord

At the time of his death, he was 74 years of age according to solar calendar, and 76 according to lunar calendar.

Although Hudhoor (AS) had been receiving revelations for some time concerning his death and which had intensified during the last days of his life, members of the Jamaat were shattered and bewildered because of his death after such a short illness. Muslim as well as non-Muslim leaders were equally saddened and expressed their sympathies while professing his sterling qualities.

Newspapers called him a conquering general of Islam, the mighty fighter of Islam, pious, righteous and divine like old prophets of Israel. However there were some small-minded adversaries of the Jamaat who did not hesitate to show their enmity on this occasion. They organized a demonstration to spite the Ahmadis at the house where he had passed away. They hurled insults, and their behavior was obnoxious but Ahmadis endured this with utmost patience.

His travels

His travels

Some of the important travels of Hadhrat Ahamd (AS) are Ludhiana 1884, Delhi 1884, Hoshiarpur 1886, Patiala 1888, Ludhiana 1889, Aligarh 1889, Amritsar 1891, Dehli 1891, Lahore 1892, Sialkot 1892, Kapurthala 1892, Sialkot 1904, & Lahore 1908.

Death of Dr. Dowie

Death of Dr. Dowie

Dr. John Alexander Dowie was an American who proclaimed that God has in the ‘Spirit and Power of Elijah’ sent him. He set forth to spread Christianity. He also stated that he intended to wipe out Islam. He made insulting remarks about the Prophet of Islam (SAS) and hurled invective at Hadhrat Ahmad (AS). When Hazart Ahmad (AS) came to know of this, he challenged him to a prayer duel.
“The best way to determine whether Dowie’s God is true or ours, is that Mr. Dowie should stop making prophecies about the destruction of all Muslims. Instead he should keep me alone in his mind and pray that if one of us is fabricating a lie, he should die before the other.” Review of Religions, Sept. 1902, Vol I, No 9
Hudhoor (AS) further observed:
“If Dowie runs away from this challenge, be sure that a great catastrophe is about to befall on Zion”. (Haqiqat al-Wahee, page 71)
When Dr. Dowie was told of this challenge, he boasted:
"Can you imagine me answering to these gnats, and flies. If I were to put my foot on them, I could crush them to Death.” (Leaves of Healing, December 27th, 1903)
Eventually he was punished for his arrogance and was chastised according to the prophecy of the Promised Messiah, peace be on him. His wife and son turned against him and did not attend his funeral. He could not speak because of a stroke of paralysis on December 19th, 1905 while giving a speech.

His followers deserted him after finding out that he had embezzled $2,529,766. That he led a lustful life and was an alcoholic. His newly built city Zion (70km north of Chicago) was torn by internal dissension. In the first week of March 1907 he died in utter grief, misery and helplessness.

The world press took special interest in this Mubahila (prayer duel); over 30 newspapers in the US published the news story. The Boston Herald in its issue of June 23, 1907 observed:

“Dowie died with his friends away from him and his fortune dwindled. He suffered from paralysis and insanity. He died a miserable death, with Zion city torn and frayed by internal dissension. Mirza comes forward frankly and states that he has won his challenge”.

Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya

Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya

In January 1906 Hudhoor (AS) instituted the Central Ahmadiyya Council to look after the administrative affairs of the Jamaat. The first president of this council was Hadhrat Maulana Noor al-Din, who was appointed by Hazart Ahmad (AS).

The head of this Council is called Nazre Aala (Executive Director). The Anjuman consists of various Nazarats (departments) like Treasury, Education, Justice, Properties, Propagation, Pensions, Guidance, Publication, Finance, and General Welfare. A Nazir (Director) heads each of the departments. The head offices of the Council are located in Qadian & Rabwah.

On March 1st, 1906 Sahibzada Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad started the publication of a magazine “Tasheez al-Azhan” (sharpening of the minds) with the permission of the Promised Messiah (AS). The purpose of this periodical was to educate Ahmadi youths. A public library was also established in 1908 by Sahibzada sahib under the name Anjuman Tasheez al-Azhan. Lot of people donated money and books for this project.

Celestial Cemetery

Celestial Cemetery

Pursuant to a Divine commandment Hudhoor (AS) also made known in his booklet “al-Wasiyyat” the establishment of a celestial cemetery (Bahishti Maqbara). God Almighty showed him a plot of land in a vision that was called Bahishti Maqbara. It was shown to him that it contained the graves of such select members of his Community who are destined to be in heaven. Accordingly Hudhoor (AS) donated a parcel of land belonging to him and named it Bahishti Maqbara. For anyone to be buried there, following three requirements had to be fulfilled:
Whoever desires to be buried in this graveyard should contribute towards the expenses of its maintenance according to his capacity.

Whoever desires to be buried therein should make a testamentary disposition that one tenth of his property shall, under direction of the Movement, be devoted to the propagation of Islam, and carrying out the teachings of the Quran. It will be open to every righteous person whose faith is perfect to provide for this purpose in his will more than one tenth, but it shall not be less.

Whoever shall lead a righteous life and abstain from all that is prohibited and shall not do anything that amounts to association of something with God or to innovation in the faith. He should be a true and sincere Muslim. (Al-Wasiyyat pp 16-19)

In accordance with the above instructions, Bahishti Maqbara has been operating in Qadian and in Rabwah where those Ahmadis are buried who have fulfilled the above conditions. Every Ahmadi firmly believes that only those members destined for Paradise are buried in this heavenly cemetery.

His Last Testament

His Last Testament

Toward the end of 1905 Hudhoor (AS) repeatedly received revelations signaling that his end was near. He saw in a dream that someone gave him cold water to drink in a new earthen vessel and the revelation came (Persian): Water of life. The water in the dream was no more than two or three drop, meaning only two or three years remaining. He also received the following revelation in Arabic:

Qaraba ajaluka al-muqaddar (Tadhkira page 308)
The end of thy appointed term is approaching.

It clearly indicated that the term of his life was nearing its end. As a consequence Hudhoor (AS) decided to give crucial advice to the Jamaat, and published a treatise that he called al-Wasiyyat (The Will). He advised the members that through prophets and reformers Allah manifests one of His blessings and after their departure He establishes Caliphate, which is the second manifestation of His divine power. It happened at the time of the Holy Prophet (SAS) and now it will happen again. Hudhoor (AS) wrote further:

“You must not be sad at what I have described. Your hearts ought not be sorrowful because it is incumbent that you must see the second manifestation (caliphate) of God also".
It is evident from the above quotation that when he foretold his death, at the same time he gave the glad tiding of the establishment of Caliphate. He assured the members that God Almighty will undoubtedly take care of the Jamaat through the institution of Caliphate.

Earthquake of Kangra

Earthquake of Kangra

The same year the Promised Messiah (AS) received the following revelation (Arabic).
I have been shown that the country might be ruined by Divine chastisement. Neither permanent residences, nor temporary ones will afford security, both will be afflicted. (Tadhkira, page 302)
On the early morning of April 4th, 1905 there was an earthquake at Kangra, a town located 14 km from the military cantonment of Dharmsala in the Punjab. In a matter of seconds it demolished many houses and caused large-scale devastation in Kanagra itself as well as in the neighboring towns of Dalhousie and Bakloh.

It was an earthshaking event, causing lot of death and destruction. About 20,000 people lost their lives. Exactly as foretold by the prophecy many temporary residences like military barracks, hotels, and holidays-resorts as well as permanent residences like temples, houses, hospitals were reduced to rubble. It is noteworthy that the earthquake killed not a single Ahmadi family living in the affected towns.

Founding of Madrassa

Founding of Madrassa

In 1905 two distinguished scholars of our Community passed away, i.e. Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Siyalkoti (RA), and Hadhrat Maulvi Burhan al-Din Jehlumi (RA). After pondering over the matter the Promised Messiah (AS) decided that it was vital to produce a new generation of Islamic scholars in order to replace the old ones. In consultation with members of the Community, it was decided to start a theology department within Taleem al-Islam High School. Thus was laid the foundation of Madrassa Ahmadiyya.

Three World Prophecies

Three World Prophecies

In 1904 the Promised Messiah (AS) received a revelation in Urdu: An Eastern power and the delicate situation of Korea. The same year Russo-Japanese was started in which Russia suffered defeat. By the Treat of Portsmouth 1905 Japan gained full authority over Korea. The prophecy was fulfilled with grandeur.

On April 15th, 1904 the Promised Messiah (AS) announced that it has been revealed to him that the world would soon be overtaken by a terrible calamity. He indicated that the Czar of Russia would be afflicted with great misery. In 1905 Czar was the most powerful monarch on earth with staggering wealth. The prophecy was fulfilled when the First World War broke out and the Czar wiped out alongwith his family by the Bolshevik revolution in 1918.

On January 15th, 1906 the Promised Messiah (AS) received a revelation (Persian): The palace of the Emperor of Iran has been shaken. At the time the King of Iran Muzaffar al-Din Shah was secure in his kingdom. He died on January 8th, 1907 and was succeeded by his son Muhammad Ali Shah. Soon the political unrest started in the country. There were clashes between the royal guards and the people. The Shah dissolved the parliament. The civil war broke out on a large scale. The King abdicated the throne on July 15th 1909. The prophecy of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was thus clearly fulfilled.

Sahibzada Abdul Lateef

Hadhrat Sahibzada Syed Abdul Lateef (RA) was a very revered person from the province of Khost, Afghanistan. He had thousands of followers. He was so respected by the ruler of Afghanistan that King Habibullah Khan; Ameer of Kabul invited him at his coronation to perform the crowning ceremony. He had read some of the books of Promised Messiah (AS) that made a deep impression on him.

He visited Qadian in 1902 to have an audience with Hadhrat Ahmad (AS). He accepted Ahmadiyyat in his first meeting with the Promised Messiah. He immensely enjoyed the company of the Promised Messiah (AS) so much so that he decided to stay in Qadian a little longer. During his stay he received revelations repeatedly forewarning him to be prepared to sacrifice himself for Ahmadiyyat.

Eventually he went back to Afghanistan with Hudoor's consent. When the Ameer of Kabul found out that Sahibzada Sahib had converted to Ahmadiyyat, he was arrested and imprisoned for four months. Many leading citizens of Kabul and the Ameer himself tried to persuade Hadhrat Sahibzada to renounce Ahmadiyyat. “How can I relinquish the truth?”, was his reply. The religious divines had him declared a heretic, and the Ameer ordered to have him stoned to death.

On July 14th, 1903 when he was about to be stoned, he was told once again to recant so he could be spared from death. “My life and my family means nothing to me, as opposed to my faith that I cannot relinquish to save my neck” the martyr replied. He was buried up to his waist in the ground and stoned. The stoning continued on until his soul departed from his body to Allah.

Inna lillahe wa inna ilahey rajeoon
We are from Allah; indeed to Him we return

On his martyrdom, Promised Messiah (AS) expressed his grief in the following words:
O’ Abdul Lateef, may you be blessed thousands of times as you proved your sincerity in my lifetime... This was a most merciless killing that has no match in this age. What folly has this Amir committed that he has ruined himself by his merciless killing of such an innocent person. O land of Afghanistan, bears witness that a grave offence has been committed in thee. O, unfortunate land thou has fallen in the estimation of God in that this great tragedy was enacted in thee. (Tazkara as-Shahadatayn, page 72)
As foretold by Hadhrat Ahmad, peace be on him, in the above prophecy, the entire family of Ameer Habibullah Khan was wiped out because of this barbaric crime. The Ameer himself and his brother Nasrullah Khan were both assassinated, later on his family was forced to go into exile. The day after the stoning, a severe epidemic of cholera broke out in Kabul that killed thousands of citizens including close relatives of the Amir. The country has been in turmoil ever since Hadhrat Sahibzada sahib was martyred.

Naming of the community

Naming of the community

For the population census of 1901 the Promised Messiah (AS), proposed the name Musalman Firqah Ahmadiyya (Ahmadiyya Muslim Sect) for his Community. Since then our Community is called Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, its members Ahmadi Muslims.



Night View of Minara-tul-Masih, Qadian

One of the signs of the advent of the Promised Messiah as described by The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was that he will be raised near a white minaret east of Damascus. Although the real meaning of the minaret is symbolic. It was the practice of Promised Messiah to endeavour to fulfill every prophecy in its literal form as well. For this reason and in accordance with Divine Instructions he laid the foundation stone of this minaret on Friday 13th, March 1903.

In his life time it was raised to 6 feet, then due to lack of funds the work on the structure had to be suspended. It was resumed by the Khalifa-tul-Masih II by laying a brick again on 27th November, 1914. The structure was completed, in the cost of Rs. 5,963 (excluding the 6 feet of first phase) in early 1916. It has three stages, 92 steps and the total height is about 105 feet. The clock was fixed in 1933. The minaret was designed by Syed Abdul Rashid and supervision of the second phase of construction was carried out by Qazi Abdul Rahim Bhatti.

In 1938-39, during the time of Khalifa-tul-Masih II, the minaret was coated with plaster of white marble. It was veneered with white marble slabs in the total cost of Rs. 8,021,35.51 in 1980-81 in the time of Khalifa-tul-Masih III. Qadian is situated to the east of Damascus and the white minaret is the sign of peace and proclaims the Advent of the Prince of Peace, The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Darul-Aman pg. 68)

Revealed Sermon

Revealed Sermon

On April 11th, 1900 the Promised Messiah delivered a sermon in Arabic in Aqsa mosque on the day of Eid al-Azha. This was the first time that Hudhoor (AS) delivered a sermon in Arabic language without prior preparation or notes. Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul Karim (RA) translated the sermon for the congregation. The entire text of the sermon is recorded in the book Khutba Ilhamiya.

Great Sign of the Plague

Great Sign of the Plague

God Almighty demonstrated many heavenly signs in support of the Promised Messiah (AS). One of the signs He manifested in support of the Promised Messiah (AS) was the sudden appearance of plague in the province of Punjab. On February 6th, 1898 Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) saw in a vision:
“Angels of God are planting black trees in different places of Punjab. These plants are very ugly, black, frightening and stunted. I asked the person planting these trees, what kind of trees are these? He replied that these were plague trees, which would spread in the country very shortly.” (Ayyam al-Sulh, page 121)
It is noteworthy that this virulent disease was unheard of in the history of Punjab. His opponents ridiculed him. Next winter, in fulfillment of this revelation, bubonic plague broke out in various cities of Punjab. The havoc created by this scourge was surely a stern reminder of the day of judgement. With an average of thirty to forty thousand people dying every week, thousands of villages, towns, and cities were deserted overnight. The prophecy had a positive impact on right-minded people, a lot of them joined the Community.

The Promised Messiah (AS) announced that all his true followers will be saved and will not die of this deadly disease. Indeed God Almighty saved his Messenger, his family and all of his faithful followers as foretold in the following prophecy:

“I will protect all those who are within the periphery of your house”. (Kashtee Nooh, page 4, October 5th, 1902)

Periodicals of Jamaat

Periodicals of Jamaat

Al-Hakam, the first weekly newspaper of Ahmadiyya Jamaat started its publication in 1897. Hadhrat Shaikh Yaqoob Ali Irfani (RA) was its proprietor and editor. During the first year it was published from Amritsar, but in 1898 it was transferred to Qadian. Another newspaper Badr started publication in 1902 that was edited by Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (RA). These two periodicals played a pivotal role in preserving revelations, speeches and table talks of the Promised Messiah (AS), besides recording many milestones in the early history of Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Review of Religions, the monthly periodical in English was established in 1902 and has been published consistently.

In January 1898 Hudhoor, peace be on him, published a book Kitab al-Bariyya. In it he published an announcement for a cash prize of 20,000 Rupees to be awarded to any person who would bring forth a single tradition of the Prophet of Islam (SAS) indicating that Hadhrat Isa (AS) has bodily ascended to the heaven and would return in the latter days.

Over one hundred years have gone by since this challenge was given to the world. Of those who hold the belief that Hadhrat Isa (AS) is alive & sitting in the heavens, none of them has dared to accept this challenge. This itself is an undeniable proof that this belief is irrational and against the sublime teachings of Islam and admonitions of our Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace & blessings of Allah be on him.

First School

First School

On January 3rd, 1898 the Promised Messiah (AS) inaugurated the first Ahmadiyya School that he named Taleem al-Islam School. Hadhrat Shaikh Yaqoob Ali Irfani (RA) was appointed its first principal. Explaining the purpose of this institution Hudhoor (AS) said that Ahmadi children should receive religious instruction as well as secular. He stated that when these children grow up they should become true Ahmadi Muslims and serve Islam to the best of their ability. The school is still operating in Qadian.

Message to Queen Victoria

Message to Queen Victoria

In 1897 the Promised Messiah (AS) penned a pamphlet addressed to Queen Victoria of England (1819-1901) on the occasion of her sixty years on the throne. It was titled Tohfae Qaisiriyyah (Gift to the Queen). Two years later in 1899 he wrote another pamphlet entitled Sitare Qaisiriyyah (The Star of the Queen). Both pamphlets contained brilliant exposition of Islamic teachings. He also invited her to enter into the fold of Islam.

Prophecy regarding Lekh Ram

Prophecy regarding Lekh Ram

Pandit Lekh Ram was the leader of a Hindu sect Arya Samaj. He was a bitter opponent of Islam and even foul mouthed against the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAS).

Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) was deeply offended. He was ardently jealous of his holy master. He made every effort to reason with Lekh Ram and to persuade him to stop reviling the Apostle of Allah (SAS). Lekh Ram did not stop and thus invited the wrath of God. God Almighty revealed to Hadhrat Ahmad (AS) that this man would be punished for his blasphemy. Finally he made the following announcement on February 20th, 1893.

“ Within a span of six years, this person will be grievously punished by God Almighty for his disrespectfulness and profanities he uttered against the Holy Prophet of Islam.” (Aeena Kamalate Islam)
In another revelation God Almighty told him:
“You will recognize the day of Joy which will be the closest to the day of the Festival.” (Karamate al-Sadiqeen, page 54)
Upon publication of these revelations Lekh Ram became even more rebellious. To support his claim he made the following prediction regarding the Promised Messiah (AS): “This person will die of diarrhea within three years……… and none of his offspring will survive. “ (Takzeeb Braheene Ahmadiyya).

Finally God Almighty chose to arbiter between the parties, as Lekh Ram’s prediction was only a figment of his imagination. Not only did Hudhoor (AS) survive the deadline set out in the prophecy, but also his offspring flourished with Allah’s beneficence.

Hudhoor's aforementioned prophecy was fulfilled magnificently. As foretold in the prophecy Lekh Ram was killed within the prescribed period on March 6th 1897 by an unknown assailant. His death took place on the day after the Eid. Scores of people openly confessed that Hadhrat Mirza sahib’s prophecy had been fulfilled with pinpoint accuracy.

Always tell the truth

During the hearing of the lawsuit that was filed by Christian missionary Dr. Martyn Clark, Hudhoor (AS) set a shining example of telling the truth no matter what. Ahmadi children should always keep this incident in mind.

Hudhoor had retained a non-Ahmadi lawyer Maulvi Fazal Din to defend him in the lawsuit. On one occasion he suggested to Hudhoor (AS) to submit an affidavit to the court that was not based on facts. When Hudhoor (AS) was asked to go over the statement, he said “the statement is not factual, I am not willing to give any statement that contains a shred of lie”.

The lawyer said to Hudhoor (AS): “ if you are not willing to give such a statement, then you are asking for trouble. You have been charged with murder, in order to get rid of this charge, you must give such a statement”. Hudhoor (AS) replied back:

“I will not give a statement which is contrary to the facts. In order to save my neck, why should I earn God’s displeasure? I do not put my trust in such false statements, I trust God Almighty. I am quite certain that He will protect me. “ (Al-Hakam 14th November 1934)
The lawyer afterwards stated that he was flabbergasted at Hudoor's courage. Amazingly he did not want to tell a lie even though he was facing a murder charge. The plaintiff was a Christian, the judge was a Christian and all the Christians, Hindus and Muslims had joined hands in this case. They tried their darnest to have him sentenced by the court, but he did not knuckle under. He refused to sign the false statement. The fact of the matter is that God Almighty gave him honorable discharge because of his truthfulness.

Lawsuit by Dr. Clark

Lawsuit by Dr. Clark

Christian missionaries had their hearts aching at the phenomenal success of his divine mission. No one could rebut his strong and winning arguments. So they decided to resort to sleazy tactics.

In 1897 they plotted to file a lawsuit of attempted murder against him. Dr. Henry Martyn Clark, a notable medical missionary stationed in Amritsar filed a complaint in the court of District Magistrate Captain William Douglas in Ludhiana.

The charge laid against Hudhoor was that he conspired to have Dr. Clark assassinated by a man named Abdul Hameed, God forbid. God Almighty assisted Hudhoor (AS) miraculously in this lawsuit so that he was not detained by the police. Rather he was honorably acquitted once the official investigation was over. Muslims as well as Hindus helped the Christians in this insidious plot to have Hudhoor (AS) convicted but God Almighty failed their plans miserably.

The District Magistrate offered to grant leave to Hudhoor (AS) to sue the plaintiff for malicious prosecution. Hudhoor (AS) declined to do so saying Dr. Clark would have to answer one day to a higher court. Abdul Hameed was sentenced to nine months imprisonment with forty-four days in solitary confinement.

Years later during the time of his retirement in London Captain Douglas observed: “ I was certain that a man with such a good face could not have committed the deeds that he was accused of. He was a smiling, open countenance.”

All Religions Conference

All Religions Conference

In 1896 a conference was convened in Lahore in which representatives of various religions were invited to explain the beauties of their respective faiths so that people could judge and compare the teachings for themselves. Top leaders of many faiths spoke on this occasion and explained the teachings of their faiths.

The Promised Messiah (AS), as representative of the Islamic faith, authored a compelling and scholarly treatise for this occasion outlining the excellencies of Islamic teachings. He was assured by God Almighty that his treatise would be acclaimed as far superior to all the others that would be presented at the gathering.

He made known this divinely assurance well before the start of the conference. And so it happened, the audience numbering over 7000 was spellbound and everyone admitted that his submission was overwhelmingly superior. Proceedings of this conference were published in the newspapers; it was admitted that Hudoor's discourse was indeed far superior to all the others. It was later published under the title The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.

When famous Russian author Count Leo Tolstoy read the English translation of this treatise, he observed: “I approved very much of ‘How to get rid of sin’ and ‘The Life to come’. The ideas are very profound and very true.”

Baba Nanak

Baba Nanak

In 1895 Hudhoor (AS) made known the outcome of his research regarding the religious beliefs of Founder of the Sikh religion. Hudhoor (AS) stated that although Hadhrat Baba Nanak was born in a Hindu household, he had later on accepted Islam. Hadhrat Baba Nanak (1469-1539) was a righteous person who meticulously followed all the teachings of Islam, so much so that he traveled to Mecca for the purpose of performing pilgrimage to the House of Allah. One of his holy gowns contained Islamic declaration of faith, as well as many verses of the Holy Quran inscribed in Arabic

Sign of the Eclipses

Sign of the Eclipses

Hadhrat Ali bin Umar al-Darqutni (918-995) has recorded a tradition (Hadith) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be on him, in his book Sunan Dar Qutni, as reported by Hadhrat Imam Baqar, regarding the appearance of Imam Mahdi. It states that one of the signs for the appearance of the Mahdi will be that the Moon will be eclipsed on the first night of the three possible nights of an eclipse. And the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day of the three possible days of an eclipse. Both will occur in the month of Ramadhan.

This heavenly sign occurred during the month of Ramadhan in April 1894 when Hudhoor had already declared that he was the Mahdi Mauood (Promised Mahdi). There was an eclipse of the Moon on the first night of the three possible night’s i.e. the 13th Ramadhan, 1311 Hijra (March 21st, 1894) and there was an eclipse of the Sun on the middle day of the three possible days i.e. 28th Ramadhan 1311 Hijra (April 6th, 1894).

Next year in the western hemisphere, the Moon was eclipsed on March 11, 1895 and the Sun was eclipsed on March 26th, 1895.

This great sign is referred to as Sign of the Eclipses. This sign has been pointed out in Chapter al-Qiyama (75:9) of the Holy Quran also. In the Bible (Mark 13:24) it is also stated “ But in those days, after that tribulation, the Sun shall be darkened, and the Moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall be falling from the heaven and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken”.

This was another glorious sign manifested by Allah the Exalted to prove the truthfulness of His servant the Promised Messiah (AS).

Debate with Atham

Debate with Atham

In 1893 Hudhoor (AS) held a written debate from May 22nd to June 5th, in Amritsar against the famous Christian missionary Abdullah Athim. This debate was later on published under the title Jange Muqaddas (The Holy War). God Almighty showered him with so much success during the debate that many people took the pledge of allegiance and joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

An amusing incident took place during the course of the debate. The Christians brought forth three lame, blind and dumb persons and argued that since our Messiah used to cure the lame and the blind, let this Messiah do the same.

The Christians were confident that they had him nailed. When the handicap people were brought before Hudhoor, he pointed out that only the Gospels had mentioned such miracles of Jesus, not the Quran, therefore we did not believe in this. Hudhoor (AS) continued that the New Testament also states that if your faith is as much as a grain of mustard, you could perform such miracles or even greater wonders. Therefore he presented those invalids back to them, and said “ if you possess little faith then cure them with your touch of hand. If you can cure them then we will believe that you are on the right path, if you do not then we must conclude that you do not possess faith as much as a grain of mustard”.

Hadhrat Ahmad’s reply made them speechless. They thought that they had succeeded in their planning to humiliate him, but it only brought shame on them. During the course of the debate Hudhoor (AS) made the following prophecy:

“ that out of the two parties in this debate the one who was deliberately following a falsehood and abandoning the true God and transforming a weak mortal into a God shall, within the days since the debate, i.e. one month since this day till fifteen months thereafter, be thrown into hawiya (hell) and will be greatly disgraced provided it is not inclined towards the truth.” Proceedings of the debate, June 5th, 1893. Jange Muqaddis pages 291-292.
The above prophecy made it clear that if Athim did not repent then he will be thrown into hell. Upon hearing the wording of the prophecy, Athim was deeply alarmed and scared. He started shaking, and turned pale. Contrary to his habit, he refrained from uttering anything objectionable against Islam or the Holy Prophet (SAS). He was restless and moved from town to town in absolute terror. It seemed he had recanted. God Almighty granted him respite in the face of his changed attitude, but the opponents alleged that the prophecy was false.

Hudhoor (AS) announced that if Mr. Athim would declare on oath that he had not inclined towards the truth, he would pay him a sum of Rs. 1000/- provided he survived for one year after taking the oath. Later the sum was increased to Rs. 4000/-. Athim did not take the oath, had he taken a false oath, he would have been punished within one year. Furthermore, Hudhoor emphasized that even if he did not swear on oath, God Almighty will not leave him unpunished as he had tried to deceive the world by concealing the truth.

Since Athim refused to swear on oath, he died on July 27th, 1896 exactly as foretold by the prophecy. This was indeed a glorious sign on the truthfulness of Hadhrat Ahmad (AS).

First Annual Conference

First Annual Conference

Under Divine inspiration Hudhoor (AS) announced in May 1891 that he was the Promised Mahdi awaited by the Muslims.

Later on the same year the Promised Messiah (AS) decided to hold the first Jalsa Salana. Accordingly the first Annual Conference was held from December 27th to 29th at the Aqsa Mosque in Qadian. Only 75 members attended that year, next year 327 members attended the Jalsa, and the last Jalsa Salana attended by the Promised Messiah (AS) in 1907 there were two thousand participants. The last annual gathering that was held in Rabwah in 1983, more than two hundred thousand attended the blessed meeting.

With a few exceptions it has been held since then every year in many countries of the world like the UK, Germany, India, Canada, & the USA. Over 32,000 members took part in the Jalsa Salana held in Germany in August 2000. The UK Jalsa Salana attracted 22,000 members in July 2000, while 12 thousand members took part in the Canadian Annual Conference in 2003. The attendance of Jalsa Salana held in different parts of the world continues to grow.

The USA Jamaat celebrated its 50th Annual Conference in 1998 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The keynote address was delivered by Hazrat Khalifat al-Masih the Fourth, which was filled with pearls of wisdom.

More on Jalsa Salana Website

Death of Hadhrat Isa (AS)

Death of Hadhrat Isa (AS)

In 1890 God Almighty revealed to him that Hadhrat Isa ibn Maryam (AS) had passed away like all previous prophets. The belief that he is alive in the heavens, is false and against the teachings of the Holy Quran. Also he proclaimed that the Messiah whose advent was foretold by Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace & blessings of Allah be on him, has appeared in his person. God has sent this Promised Messiah to reform the world and to spread the pristine teachings of Islam.

His announcement and claim to be the Promised Mahdi and the Messiah brought him numerous converts, but there were some that turned against him. Erstwhile friends became his foes. Some Muslim divines declared him a heretic. The Christians did not lag behind either as they raised a fierce storm of opposition. The reason Christians opposed him was the fact that Jesus Christ's death dealt a fatal blow to the very foundation of Christianity. They believed Christ to be their Lord, but this claim made him a dead god.

This intense opposition resulted in many debates between him, the Muslim divines, and the Christian missionaries. For instance in 1891 he held debates with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain sahib Batalvi, Maulvi Sayyed Nazeer Hussain sahib Dehlvi and Maulvi Muhammad Bashir sahib Bhopali. In 1892 he held debates with Maulvi Abdul Hakim Kalanauri. In 1893 he held a famous debate with Christian missionary Abdulla Athim. These debates brought him many pious & devoted converts.

Founding of Ahmadiyya Jamaat

Founding of Ahmadiyya Jamaat

On March 23rd, 1889 he started taking oath of allegiance at the house of a spiritual preceptor Hadhrat Sufi Ahmad Jan in the city of Ludhiana. Thus he laid the foundation of Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Hadhrat Hakim Maulvi Noor al-Din (RA) was the first person to have the honor of taking the first Baiat.

On the first day forty people took oath of allegiance, some of them are listed hereunder:

Hadhrat Maulvi Abdullah Sanori (RA)
Hadhrat Chaudhry Rustam Ali (RA)
Hadhrat Munshi Zafar Ahmad (RA)
Hadhrat Munshi Aroray Khan (RA)
Hadhrat Munshi Habib ar-Rahman (RA)
Hadhrat Qazi Zia al-din (RA)
Hadhrat Mir Inayat Ali (RA)

Ten Conditions of Baiat

Ten Conditions of Baiat

On December 1st, 1888 he published an announcement that God has ordained him that whomsoever seeks true faith and piety, should take Baiat, pledge allegiance to him so that Allah may shower His mercy and beneficence on them.

On January 12th, 1889 he published a pamphlet in which he laid down ten conditions of Baiat for initiation into the Jamaat. In this pamphlet he made it known that anyone who wishes to enter into covenant of allegiance should swear on the following from the core of his heart.

  1. That till the last day of his life, he shall abstain from shirk (associating any partners with Allah).
  2. That he shall keep away from falsehood, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, disorder, rebellion and every kind of evil.
  3. That he shall offer prayers (Salat) five times daily.
  4. That he shall not inflict injury on any of Allah’s creatures.
  5. That he would bear every hardship for the sake of Allah.
  6. That he shall not follow vulgar customs and guard against evil inclinations.
  7. That he shall discard pride and haughtiness, live in humility & meekness
  8. That he shall hold his faith, dignity, and the welfare of Islam dearer than his own life, wealth and children.
  9. That he shall have sympathy for all of God’s creatures, and devote his talents to their welfare.
  10. That he shall establish brotherhood with me (i.e.Ahmad), obeying me in all good things, and firmly adhere to these rules until the last breadth of his life.

Prophecy of Musleh Mauood

Prophecy of Musleh Mauood

Under Divine inspiration Hudhoor (AS) traveled to Hoshiarpur on January 22nd, 1886 to perform Chilla. He stayed in a house for forty days, all his time was spent in intense meditation, devotion & prayer. These supplications resulted in God Almighty giving him the news of a grand prophecy that is referred to in the Jamaat as 'Prophecy of Musleh Mauood'. According to this prophecy Allah the Exalted will bestow him a son in the next nine years who would bring awesome progress to Islam and Ahmadiyyat. This Promised Reformer would spread the message of Islam to farthest corners of the Earth. A part of the grand prophecy reads as follows:
I confer upon thee a Sign of My mercy according to your supplication. I have heard thy entreaties and have honored thy prayers with my acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A Sign of power, mercy nearness to Me is bestowed upon thee, a Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and thou art granted the key of success and victory……………..

He will be accompanied by grace, which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorders through his messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah for Allah’s mercy and honor has equipped him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge………………………...

Behold a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We shall pour Our spirit into Him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and people will be blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed. (Announcement February 20th 1886)

As foretold by the prophecy Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad was born within the prescribed period of nine years, on January 12th, 1889. Promised Messiah (AS) announced in his treatise 'Siraje Muneer' that the promised son whose advent had been foretold to him, had been born. Subsequently during the caliphate of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II it became quite apparent that the prophecies were fulfilled in his person.

The characteristics explained in the revealed words of this prophecy regarding this illustrious son were evident in his person; thus fulfilling the prophecy with grandeur. Praise the Lord.

In 1944 Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the Second (RA) declared that he was indeed the Promised Son whose birth was foretold by God Almighty to Hazrat Ahmad (AS).

The sign of Red Drops

During the month of Ramadhan in 1885 the Promised Messiah (AS) was one day resting in his bed. His companion Hadhrat Maulvi Abdullah Sinauri (RA) was sitting on the edge of the bed messaging his feet. Hadhrat Maulvi sahib noticed that at one point Promised Messiah's body trembled for a moment. Then Maulvi sahib noticed a few red drops that appeared on the ankle of the Promised Messiah (AS) as well as on his clothes. This was a heavenly sign that occurred on 27th day of Ramadhan, July 10th 1885.

Reformer of the Age

Reformer of the Age

In March 1885 he published 20,000 copies of a flyer in which he invited adversaries of Islam to visit him in order to witness heavenly signs in support of the truthfulness of Islam. In the flyer that was printed in English & Urdu he made the grand announcement that Allah has appointed him Mujaddid - Reformer of the Age - in order to prove the superiority of the Holy Quran and truthfulness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS). The flyer was widely distributed in the country, and even mailed to all the eminent religious leaders, writers, and leading intellectuals of Asia, Europe, and the US.

His Second Marriage

His Second Marriage

In fulfillment of a particular prophecy, Hudoor's second marriage took place on November 17th, 1884 to a well-respected and honorable lady Sayyeda Nusrat Jahan Begum who belonged to the noble Sayyed family of Dehli. Thus the following prophecy was fulfilled.
"I have intended another marriage for you, I shall provide all that may be needed in this respect” (Hayate Tayyeba, page 73)
Hadhrat Mir Naser Nawab (RA) was his father in law who was a descendant of Hadhrat Khawaja Mir Dard. Hadhrat Mir sahib was an extremely righteous and divinely personage. Maulvi Sayyed Nazeer Hussain (Muhaddith Dehlvi), a well-known Dehli scholar, performed the Nikah (matrimonial rites) on November 17th 1884. The Rukhstana (reception) ceremony took place the same day in Dehli. The marriage was very successful with the grace and favors of Allah the Exalted. God Almighty gave him pious offspring from this wedlock, regarding whom he was given glad tidings. These glad tidings were fulfilled at their prescribed time and we are witnessing these with our own eyes.