His Books
[ Link: Introduction of his books ]
- Braheene Ahmadiyya (Proofs of Amadiyya) - 1880
- Fathey Islam (Victory of Islam) - 1891
- Aeena Kamalate Islam (Mirror of Excellences of Islam) - 1893
- Barkat al-Dua (The Blessings of Prayer) - 1893
- Anjame Atham (The End of Atham) - 1896
- Islamee Usook kee Philosophy (Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam) - 1896
- Maseeh Hindostan Mein (Jesus in India) - 1896
- Zaroorat al-Imam (The Need for an Imam) - 1897
- Tohfae Qaisiriyyah (A Gift to the Queen) - 1897
- Siraje Muneer (The Bright Lamp) - 1897
- Tiryaq al-Qoloob (The Elixir of the Heart) - 1899
- Kashtee Nooh (The Ark of Noah) - 1902
- Tazkirat as-Shahadatayn (Narration of two Martyrdom) - 1903
- Payghame Sulh (Message of Reconciliation) - 1908
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