Tuesday, September 28, 2010


  1. 1841 at Bhera, Punjab, Pakistan
  2. Because he had performed pilgrimage and had memorized the Holy Quran.
  3. He was a physician
  4. Maharajah of Kashmir
  5. 1893
  6. Phonograph
  7. Amatul Hayee
  8. Yes, Urdu
  9. Opening of first Ahmadiyya mission in England
  10. Tasdeeq Baraheen Ahmadiyya, & Fasl al-Khitab
  11. Mirqat al-Yaqeen
  12. 1914. Qadian
  13. A Christian once said that Asian mind cannot comprehend the concept of Trinity. Hadhrat Maulana said that is why Paul, Peter and Jesus could not figure this out either, as they were also Asians.
  14. That Muslims in India be given two hour leave for Friday service
  15. English.

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