Lawsuit by Dr. Clark
In 1897 they plotted to file a lawsuit of attempted murder against him. Dr. Henry Martyn Clark, a notable medical missionary stationed in Amritsar filed a complaint in the court of District Magistrate Captain William Douglas in Ludhiana.
The charge laid against Hudhoor was that he conspired to have Dr. Clark assassinated by a man named Abdul Hameed, God forbid. God Almighty assisted Hudhoor (AS) miraculously in this lawsuit so that he was not detained by the police. Rather he was honorably acquitted once the official investigation was over. Muslims as well as Hindus helped the Christians in this insidious plot to have Hudhoor (AS) convicted but God Almighty failed their plans miserably.
The District Magistrate offered to grant leave to Hudhoor (AS) to sue the plaintiff for malicious prosecution. Hudhoor (AS) declined to do so saying Dr. Clark would have to answer one day to a higher court. Abdul Hameed was sentenced to nine months imprisonment with forty-four days in solitary confinement.
Years later during the time of his retirement in London Captain Douglas observed: “ I was certain that a man with such a good face could not have committed the deeds that he was accused of. He was a smiling, open countenance.”
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